Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
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The Premier’s Council is made up of 15 volunteer Council Members. They represent a broad background of cross-disability knowledge and a diversity of geographic locations in Alberta. The Council Members meet throughout the year to discuss and priorize disability-related issues and provide general direction to the Council’s Secretariat of full-time employees.

The Council may:

  • advise, report to and make recommendations to the Government on matters relating to the opportunity for full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in the life of the Province;
  • encourage public discussion through public consultation on all matters relating to the status of persons with disabilities;
  • prepare communication packages containing information respecting disabilities and persons with disabilities;
  • identify and review current and emerging issues and policies at all levels of government affecting and concerning the status of persons with disabilities;
  • review the provision of funding, services and programs to persons with disabilities;
  • make referrals and recommendations to and consult and collaborate with all levels of government, government agencies, volunteer associations, businesses, universities and other persons on matters affecting and concerning the status of persons with disabilities.

The Council, in carrying out its activities, may:

  • receive and hear petitions and suggestions respecting the status of persons with disabilities from individuals and groups,
  • undertake research on matters relevant to the status of persons with disabilities,
  • appoint subcommittees consisting of members and other persons who are not members of the Council, and
  • publish from time to time such reports, studies and recommendations as the Council considers necessary.

In its 1999/2002 Business Plan, stakeholders identified the creation of a provincial disability strategy as Council’s number one priority. The “Status Alert” gives stakeholder updates on Alberta’s Disability Strategy and indicates the progress that we’re making. As such, it will be published regularly, whenever there is important new information to convey. If you’re unfamiliar with the Alberta Disability Strategy , please look at the April 2000 Status Alert for a complete introduction.