Mental health is often very misunderstood. There is often a strong stigma that surrounds mental health problems. This stigma keeps many people from receiving the treatment that they require. Fortunately, the only way to break the stigma is to know as much about it as possible.

The biggest misconception about mental health is that it’s all about black and white thinking. This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are many shades of grey. Stigma tends to associate mental illnesses with violent behavior. While there is certainly some violence in our society, there is also a lot of non-violent civil rights activism, idealism, and positive thinking.

Another myth is that therapy will cure a mental health problem. This myth is perpetuated by those who benefit from the ignorance of the public. The truth is that therapy can and does help someone to survive an experience that is beyond their control. It’s also true that people who have been subjected to abusive behavior don’t always come out of these situations unscathed. Many things can scar them for life.

Another myth is that you must go to a professional mental health professional to get help. In fact, there are many great therapists available to anyone who wants them. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your family doctor or to a psychiatrist at the health center where you are, you can sign up for therapy sessions on the Internet or through other channels. These sessions are usually inexpensive and very safe.

Another myth is that you cannot recover from a mental health problem on your own. Again, this is simply not true. In fact, it’s impossible to never recover from a mental health problem, if the problem is severe enough to be in need of professional help. Just because you think something cannot be changed doesn’t mean it can’t be.


One more myth is that those with mental health issues feel better when they are alone. Again, this is simply not true. Many people who feel better when they are by themselves, do so because they are alone. Just because you are comfortable by yourself, doesn’t mean you are feeling better.

One of the most common myths surrounding mental health is that those who suffer from mental illness are prone to commit suicide. It’s easy to see why this myth has become so pervasive. Research has shown that people who suffer from mental illness and commit suicide are not more likely to actually die by suicide than those who are not suffering from mental health issues. There are many different reasons why someone commits suicide. Usually it is due to some type of stress, depression, or a traumatic event that was experienced.

Although there are some serious myths about mental health problems, they are just that: myths. They are not true, and they have absolutely no bearing on the quality of life that someone can have. If you or someone you know may be suffering from any of these common myths, please seek professional help as soon as possible.


The biggest myth about mental health is that those who suffer from mental illness are unable to control their urges. This is one myth that needs to be debunking at all cost. There are a number of treatment methods that can be utilized to help those with either an addiction problem or a personality disorder deal with their urges and actually live healthier lives. Even if you do not currently have a personality disorder or addiction, it is never too late to get help.

Another myth is that mental illnesses only affect certain people. Many people may not realize it, but they are affected by various types of mental illnesses each year. The stigma has prevented many people from getting the treatment they need or deserve. Instead of thinking only of stigma, think of stigma as a sign that the problem lies in other areas of your life.

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about mental health disorders is that those who suffer from such issues are simply crazy. Those who suffer from severe depression or bipolar disorder are in fact suffering from mental illnesses. As stated earlier, the stigma and misperception have created a lot of problems in terms of receiving the correct treatment.

In the end, the biggest misconception is that any type of mental health condition is something abnormal and to be treated. There are in fact a variety of mental health conditions, which range from those that only affect the ability to function normally to those that affect every aspect of life. With all of the myths that exist, there are plenty of solutions and treatment options out there for those who suffer from mental illness.